Canadian Cyclist


May 5/11 9:40 am - OCA Announces 2012 Quest for Gold and Provincial Carding Criteria

Posted by Editoress on 05/5/11

The Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) has published the criteria for financial assistance in the Quest for Gold and Provincial Carding programs:

Quest for Gold

The Quest for Gold - Ontario Athlete Assistance Program 2011-2012 (OAAP) is funded by the Government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport (MHPS), and operated through the Sport, Recreation & Community Programs Branch. The overarching goal of the Quest for Gold - OAAP is directly related to the Enhanced Excellence goals of the Canadian Sport Policy - to improve the performance and number of Ontario athletes performing at the national and international level; thereby contributing to the improved performance of Canada at international competitions.

The criteria for the 2011-2012 Quest for Gold can be found Here.

Provincial Carding

The goal of the OCA High Performance Athlete Coaching Subsidy Program is to encourage professional coaching support for developing riders and to assist with these expenses. By directly subsidizing the coaches, the program also encourages coach development and professionalism.

The OCA will make payments of $60.00/month for a NCCP Level 1/Comp A Coach, $80.00/month for a NCCP level 2/Comp B Coach, and $100.00/month for a NCCP level 3 or 4 Coach, directly to the coach of the athlete's choice in quarterly installments. The coach and the athlete must submit quarterly reports to the OHPSI Head Coach. The coach must be at a minimum fully certified NCCP Level 1/Intro to Comp A Cycling coach. If a coach is not fully certified and a course is available they must enroll in that course for the payments to be made for the remainder of the season.

The carding criteria outlines the performances to be achieved in order to be eligible for carded status for the following year. Having met the listed criteria does not guarantee an athlete a card. Rather, it makes the athlete eligible for the High Performance Athlete Coaching Subsidy Program, and it remains the High Performance Committee's decision to card an athlete. Committee selection will determine the candidates nominated for carding.

The criteria for 2011-2012 Provincial Carding can be found Here.


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