Canadian Cyclist


March 24/14 21:15 pm - Steaming Nostril results

Posted by Editoress on 03/24/14

Results from the Steaming Nostril, presented by Cycle Waterloo on Sunday March 23rd at Elmira ON


74 km Category Cat Place Gender Place  Time
1 Grahame Rivers (Realdeal) LM30-39 1/47 1/158 2:15:02
2 Gaelen Merritt (Wheels of Bloor) LM20-29 1/22 2/158 at 1:15
3 Nathan Chown (Team CF) LM40-49 1/44 3/158 2:46
4 Kevin Higgins (Morning Glory CC) LM40-49 2/44 4/158 2:54
5 Peter Disera (Norco Factory Team) LM11-19 1/3 5/158 2:58
6 Mark Palma (Team NCCH p/b Dec Express) LM30-39 2/47 6/158 3:01
7 John Stewart (Independent) LM30-39 3/47 7/158 3:03
8 Steve Mckee ( Norco) LM40-49 3/44 8/158 3:04
9 Tim Marshall (Independent) LM30-39 4/47 9/158 3:06
10 Mark Brusso (Lapdogs Cycling Club) LM30-39 5/47 10/158 3:07
11 Bayden Pritchard (OCTTO-Cervélo) LM30-39 6/47 11/158 3:08
12 Peter Morse (OCTTO-Cervelo) LM40-49 4/44 12/158 3:22
13 Tim Oliver (Sound Solutions) LM30-39 7/47 13/158 3:25
14 Cormier Jacques (Bikes on Wheels) LM20-29 2/22 14/158 3:30
15 Joe Giuliani (Jet Fuel Coffee) LM40-49 5/44 15/158 3:47
16 Jon Winfield (Team Bikeland) LM20-29 3/22 16/158 3:59
17 Robert Sule (Erace Cancer P/B La ) LM50-59 1/31 17/158 4:39
18 Patrick Kings (Sound Solutions) LM40-49 6/44 18/158 5:38
19 Tom Nesbitt (Morning Glory Cycling) LM40-49 7/44 19/158 5:40
20 Scott Weldon (Novofit-Compass 360 ) LM30-39 8/47 20/158 6:00
21 Kees Louws (Team London) LM50-59 2/31 21/158 6:38
22 Igor Dragoslavic (Independent) LM50-59 3/31 22/158 6:46
23 Kevin Black (OCTTO-Cervelo) LM30-39 9/47 23/158 7:32
24 Andrew Stewart (Team IFG By Cyclelog) LM40-49 8/44 24/158 8:59
25 Guy Vankrimpen (Independent) LM30-39 10/47 25/158 10:45
26 Michael Dennis ( LM30-39 11/47 26/158 11:47
27 Chris Barson ( LM20-29 4/22 27/158 13:02
28 Graydon Staples (Next Wave Cycling Team) LM11-19 2/3 28/158 13:13
29 Mike Patte (The Hub Race Team) LM30-39 12/47 29/158 13:18
30 Antje Thamm (Kallisto-FCV) LF30-39 1/5 1/12 13:53
31 Tony Owsley (Independent) LM40-49 9/44 30/158 14:06
32 Quinton Disera (Csajcc P/B Norco & L) LM11-19 3/3 31/158 14:32
33 Christopher Rowley ( Ve) LM20-29 5/22 32/158 15:04
34 Kris Deyarmond (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM30-39 13/47 33/158 15:15
35 Nathan Poulton (Waterloo Cycling Club) LMSS 1/4 34/158 15:20
36 Brendan Mackillop (Cyclepath Markham) LM20-29 6/22 35/158 16:11
37 Charlie Philbrook (Novofit-Compass 360 ) LM30-39 14/47 36/158 16:29
38 Jon Slaughter (Independent) LM20-29 7/22 37/158 16:55
39 Rob Macewen (Lapdogs Cycling Club) LM40-49 10/44 38/158 17:34
40 Jeff Moote (Realdeal/Gears P/B W) LM20-29 8/22 39/158 17:34
41 Scott Philipps (Wolfpak Racing) LM20-29 9/22 40/158 17:39
42 William Fu (Independent) LM40-49 11/44 41/158 18:03
43 Sheldon Laidman (First Capital Cycling) LM40-49 12/44 42/158 18:38
44 Bob Tomsic (Nacsworld / Norco) LM30-39 15/47 43/158 18:46
45 Scott Elliot (Midweek CC) LM30-39 16/47 44/158 18:59
46 John Hauser (The Wheeling Dandies) LM30-39 17/47 45/158 19:22
47 Christopher Bozek (Realdeal/Gears) LM30-39 18/47 46/158 19:31
48 Peter Shirk (Independent) LM50-59 4/31 47/158 20:03
49 Adam Myers (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM30-39 19/47 48/158 20:06
50 Ashley Barson ( Ve) LF20-29 1/2 2/12 20:10
51 Scott Nevin (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM50-59 5/31 49/158 20:16
52 Stefan Harhay (Bikes On Wheels) LM30-39 20/47 50/158 20:28
53 Steve Deboer (Team905) LM40-49 13/44 51/158 20:36
54 Oliver Farla (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM30-39 21/47 52/158 20:44
55 Dan Dakin (Team905 Cycling) LM30-39 22/47 53/158 21:10
56 Niles Vaivars (Realdeal/Gears P/B F) LM20-29 10/22 54/158 21:36
57 John Cauchi (Rock And Road Cycle) LM30-39 23/47 55/158 22:05
58 Alexander Lefebvre ( LM20-29 11/22 56/158 25:02
59 Aaron Hamill (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM20-29 12/22 57/158 25:27
60 Mike Tourond (Bicycleworks) LM50-59 6/31 58/158 26:24
61 Mike Lynch (Two Wheel Racing) LM50-59 7/31 59/158 27:30
62 Steve Birch (Independent) LM30-39 24/47 60/158 27:45
63 David Wheelock (Wheeling Dandies P/B) LM30-39 25/47 61/158 28:40
64 Paul Monczka (Team IFG By Cyclelog) LM50-59 8/31 62/158 29:47
65 Brian Miller (Nrgpt) LM30-39 26/47 63/158 30:13
66 Quinn Hanam (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM20-29 13/22 64/158 30:42
67 Nicolae Petrescu (Independent) LM30-39 27/47 65/158 31:11
68 Ron Clark (Erace Cancer) LM50-59 9/31 66/158 31:28
69 Craig Hoddy (Independent) LM30-39 28/47 67/158 31:35
70 Dan Marshall (Independent) LM30-39 29/47 68/158 31:56
71 Peter Rhines (Independent) LM40-49 14/44 69/158 32:01
72 Thomas Hughes (Lapdogs) LM40-49 15/44 70/158 32:17
73 Robert Nespolo (Speed River Cycling ) LM50-59 10/31 71/158 32:51
74 Tim Morrison (Rock & Road Cycle Bu) LM50-59 11/31 72/158 32:56
75 Philip Sheffield (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM20-29 14/22 73/158 33:02
76 Aaron Coulter (Independent) LM30-39 30/47 74/158 33:54
77 Stephen Burnside (The Hub Cycle) LM50-59 12/31 75/158 34:13
78 Kelly Ellis (Waterloo Cycling Club) LF40-49 1/4 3/12 35:07
79 Larry J Bartlett (Bicycles Plus) LM50-59 13/31 76/158 35:16
80 Mathew Gallagher (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM40-49 16/44 77/158 35:21
81 Lee Shooter (Cobourg Cycling Club) LM40-49 17/44 78/158 35:43
82 Craig Marentette (Wheeling Dandies P/B) LM20-29 15/22 79/158 36:01
83 Miro Zgavc (Lapdogs Cycling Club) LM30-39 31/47 80/158 36:26
84 Liam Brennan (Wheeling Dandies P/B) LM30-39 32/47 81/158 37:02
85 Chris Mark (Sudbury Cycling Club) LM30-39 33/47 82/158 37:34
86 John Roy (Lapdogs) LMSS 2/4 83/158 37:35
87 Barry Cox (Lap Dogs/Dukes-Cannondale) LM40-49 18/44 84/158 39:02
88 David Bishop (Independent) LM30-39 34/47 85/158 40:44
89 Ming-Chang Tsai (Real Deal/Gears P/B ) LM40-49 19/44 86/158 40:48
90 Alex Keen (Wheeling Dandies) LM30-39 35/47 87/158 41:12
91 Steve Hart (Lapdogs Cycling Club) LM40-49 20/44 88/158 41:28
92 Greg Andre-Barrett (Cyclepath Oakville R) LM60+ 1/7 89/158 41:37
93 Steve Grujic (Power Watts Oakville) LM40-49 21/44 90/158 41:41
94 Rob Mcdonald (Independent) LM30-39 36/47 91/158 41:48
95 Daniel Wojcik (Independent) LM20-29 16/22 92/158 42:40
96 Robbie Samide (Independent) LM40-49 22/44 93/158 43:04
97 Jeffrey Mccachren (Raleigh Canada) LM30-39 37/47 94/158 43:47
98 Benjamin Batson (Morning Glory) LM30-39 38/47 95/158 44:58
99 Robert Koblinsky (Morning Glory) LM40-49 23/44 96/158 45:07
100 Jeff Landry (Rock And Road Cycle ) LM30-39 39/47 97/158 47:49
101 Tanya Hanham (Rock And Road Cycle) LF30-39 2/5 4/12 47:50
102 Michael Lo (CMBA) LM50-59 14/31 98/158 47:56
103 James Barnes (Cobourg Cycling Club) LM50-59 15/31 99/158 50:19
104 Michael Laszlo (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM30-39 40/47 100/158 50:44
105 Steve Fuller (Bicycle Plus) LM50-59 16/31 101/158 50:56
106 Christopher Davidson (Independent) LM40-49 24/44 102/158 51:09
107 Bruce Day (Beaches Cycling Club) LM50-59 17/31 103/158 51:51
108 David Best (Independent) LM30-39 41/47 104/158 52:40
109 Mohan Thomas (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM20-29 17/22 105/158 52:47
110 Joe Meissner (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM30-39 42/47 106/158 53:03
111 Mark Rodgers (Independent) LM40-49 25/44 107/158 53:19
112 Giles Malet (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM50-59 18/31 108/158 53:26
113 Alain Francq (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM40-49 26/44 109/158 57:16
114 Harris Silver (Beaches Cycling Club) LM40-49 27/44 110/158 57:19
115 Henry Au (Cmba) LM50-59 19/31 111/158 57:23
116 Cary Brown (Bike United Cycling ) LM40-49 28/44 112/158 57:39
117 Ian Darling (Pedales Rapidos) LM40-49 29/44 113/158 57:52
118 Ondrej Benjik (Independent) LM40-49 30/44 114/158 59:08
119 Steve Fletcher (Elite Health Bike Club) LM50-59 20/31 115/158 59:41
120 Cameron Elliott (Band Of Brothers) LM40-49 31/44 116/158 59:42
121 Jenn Rodgers (Independent) LF30-39 3/5 5/12 59:58
122 Jiri Svoboda (Independent) LM50-59 21/31 117/158 1:00:44
123 Ben Steadman (Outspokin Cycles) LMSS 3/4 118/158 1:01:08
124 Jeff Ward (Outspokin Cycles) LM40-49 32/44 119/158 1:01:08
125 Ricardo Roman (Independent) LM50-59 22/31 120/158 1:01:14
126 Dario Rodriguez (Independent) LM40-49 33/44 121/158 1:01:15
127 Christopher May (Dark Horse Flyers) LM30-39 43/47 122/158 1:01:17
128 Lenka Branichova (Lapdogs Cycling Club) LF30-39 4/5 6/12 1:02:53
129 Don Gilroy (Beaches Cycling Club) LM50-59 23/31 123/158 1:03:12
130 Jim Forbes (Doug's Bicycle Belle) LM60+ 2/7 124/158 1:03:13
131 Thomas Jakubowski (Independent) LM50-59 24/31 125/158 1:03:14
132 Barbie Hope (Team Spoke O'motion) LF20-29 2/2 7/12 1:06:43
133 Thomas (Gus) Smith (Team Type 1/London H) LM40-49 34/44 126/158 1:07:45
134 Graham Mcdougall (Independent) LMSS 4/4 127/158 1:08:35
135 Susan Gaudreau (Waterloo Cycling Club) LF40-49 2/4 8/12 1:10:14
136 Adam Mueller (Independent) LM20-29 18/22 128/158 1:10:35
137 Brian Loney (Independent) LM40-49 35/44 129/158 1:11:19
138 Christopher Wu (Independent) LM20-29 19/22 130/158 1:14:04
139 Derek Burgess (Independent) LM40-49 36/44 131/158 1:14:58
140 Roger Parsons (Independent) LM60+ 3/7 132/158 1:15:53
141 Gary Ducker (OMCA) LM40-49 37/44 133/158 1:16:57
142 Karen Grujic (Power Watts Oakville) LF30-39 5/5 9/12 1:18:40
143 Bob Abell (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM50-59 25/31 134/158 1:20:29
144 Ryszard Jania (Independent) LM50-59 26/31 135/158 1:20:44
145 Mari Evans (True North Cycles) LF40-49 3/4 10/12 1:21:53
146 Darryl Eden (Independent) LM20-29 20/22 136/158 1:22:57
147 Juliette Prouse (True North Cycles) LF40-49 4/4 11/12 1:23:56
148 Dave Gosnell (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM40-49 38/44 137/158 1:28:29
149 Jesse Wighton (Independent) LM20-29 21/22 138/158 1:31:53
150 Troy Bolivar (Bicycles Plus) LM40-49 39/44 139/158 1:32:59
151 Kevin Gibson (Independent) LM30-39 44/47 140/158 1:34:33
152 Michael Drake (Waterloo Cycling Club) LM60+ 4/7 141/158 1:35:21
153 Paul Emerick (Independent) LM40-49 40/44 142/158 1:36:53
154 Chris Vernackt (Verndog, The Bike Gu) LM40-49 41/44 143/158 1:38:24
155 Ben Clark (Independent) LM50-59 27/31 144/158 1:39:28
156 Phil Renaud (Ontario Masters Cycling) LM50-59 28/31 145/158 1:42:50
157 Eric Laurin (Independent) LM30-39 45/47 146/158 1:47:18
158 Timothy St.Germain (Independent) LM40-49 42/44 147/158 1:48:14
159 Sue Rodgers (Independent) LF50-59 1/1 12/12 1:48:31
160 Christopher Leung (Independent) LM20-29 22/22 148/158 1:48:42
161 Paul Nemy (Sccc) LM60+ 5/7 149/158 1:49:56
162 Michael Di Bacco (Independent) LM50-59 29/31 150/158 1:50:06
163 Sean Teschke (The Hub Race Team) LM30-39 46/47 151/158 1:50:21
164 Marlin Gingrich (Independent) LM60+ 6/7 152/158 1:50:27
165 Shon Clemmer (Independent) LM40-49 43/44 153/158 1:54:41
166 J-P Fleras (Independent) LM30-39 47/47 154/158 2:00:02
167 Ron Cornies (Independent) LM40-49 44/44 155/158 2:03:58
168 Ted Durrant (Independent) LM60+ 7/7 156/158 2:22:09
169 Jim Flower (Independent) LM50-59 30/31 157/158 2:22:20
170 Jeff Marshall (Independent) LM50-59 31/31 158/158 2:22:20



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