Canadian Cyclist


January 21/13 15:31 pm - Ontario Cycle Tourism Forum 2013

Posted by Editoress on 01/21/13

The early bird registration deadline is fast approaching!

Register today for this one day conference on March 1st, showcasing Ontario as a growing cycle tourism destination, sharing examples and lessons from across the province about why: Bikes Mean Business - Celebrating and capitalizing on Ontario's growing cycle tourism industry.

Learn from and network with 20+ speakers from businesses, government, tourism destinations, cycling organizations and conference delegates from across Ontario.

The early bird deadline is February 1st. Save $50, register today!

Why Come to OCTF13?
The conference will inspire, educate and motivate participants new to the cycle tourism market and those with established cycle tourism product with learning opportunities and takeaway tools for:

• Destination development
• Creative marketing and new technologies
• The past, present and future of cycle tourism in Ontario

Check out the PROGRAM and SPEAKER LIST for more details.

When: Friday, March 1,9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Radisson Hotel Admiral Toronto-Harbourfront
249 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON M5J 2N5


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