Canadian Cyclist


May 14/11 21:28 pm - Calgary Bicycle Track League to hold first Calgary meet of the season May 21st

Posted by Editoress on 05/14/11

Calgary Bicycle Track League (CBTL) will hold a 'UCI' Omnium on May 21st

Since the UCI introduced the track omnium in 2007, the Calgary Bicycle Track League has offered one of these events as a club race at the Glenmore Velodrome on a Saturday in May. The UCI changed their omnium last year to make it a longer, two day event but we continue to offer the original form of UCI Omnium since it is a good early season event.  Our very own World Masters Champion, Trevor Gunderson, has used these events to get his racing started in the last few years.

Our “UCI Omnium” event consists of a 200 metre time trial, 12 lap scratch race, 3000 metre pursuit, 36 lap points race with sprints every six laps and kilo. We’ll have two groups:  A- and C+. If you’re winning in B, ride as an A. If you’re hanging on, ride in C+. If you’re too fast or slow, we’ll move you after the 200. A- riders will do the distances listed, C+ slightly shorter.

We need at least a dozen people to make it a go. If you would like to race, either register by email at or on the sheet at the track. We’ll make a go/no go decision at the end of racing on May 19. Sorry about scheduling the race on the long weekend but there are road races the weekend before and after and we didn’t want to conflict with those.

Sign on will start at 9:00 on the 21st, track will open shortly after that and racing will start promptly at 10:00.

This event is open to all CBTL members at no charge or to other licensed riders for $10 (juniors $5).

Courtesy Dean Mitchell, Calgary Bicycle Track League


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