Canadian Cyclist


May 3/11 9:31 am - UCI Agrees to Reduce Cost of Frame Approval for Small Builders

Posted by Editoress on 05/3/11

Approval procedure for frames and forks: UCI signed agreement with The Framebuilders’ Collective (TFC) to reduce costs for small builders

The International Cycling Union (UCI) has signed an agreement with The Framebuilders’ Collective (TFC)  which will facilitate and reduce the costs to small manufacturers of the approval procedure for frames and forks.

A small builder is defined as a manufacturer who produces frames and forks to measure.
TFC is a group of professional craftspeople dedicated to the frame building trade. Based in the United States, it currently has 14 members.

Under the agreement, TFC offers to undertake the administrative tasks of the simplified procedure for small builders of tubular models.

Small builders will be able to submit plans of their models to TFC, which will then contact the UCI on their behalf and send them the documents via a system of secure file exchange. As a result of the TFC’s involvement in this procedure, the UCI will grant a 20% discount on the cost to small builders.

Carl Strong, Chairman of TFC’s Board of Directors explains: “Independent framebuilders wear a lot of hats as both craftsman and businessman. The Framebuilders’ Collective understands the limited time that framebuilders have to devote to all of the duties their trade requires of them. The UCI and TFC has developed an arrangement that will help streamline and simplify the UCI process for not only the Framebuilders’ Collective members but any other bespoke framebuilders that wish to participate through the Framebuilders’ Collective portal. We are very excited about our new partnership with the UCI.”

Don Ferris, member of The Framebuilders’ Collective Board of Directors and Administrator of the UCI Homologation Program within the American organisation echoes. "The Framebuilders' Collective is pleased to have partnered with the UCI to simplify the process and reduce the cost for bespoke & custom builders wishing to comply with the UCI Homologation Program."

The approval procedure for frames and forks came into effect on 1st January 2011 and results in the granting of a label certifying that new models comply with the requirements of the UCI Regulations. The cost of the simplified procedure amounts to 500 Swiss Francs. This approval is obligatory for all new models of frames and forks used in competition by licensed riders.

Additional information is available in the “Approval Protocol for frames and forks” section  on the “Equipment” page of the UCI website.

Please also visit for more information.

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