Canadian Cyclist


February 5/10 10:42 am - BVC Announces Changes to Friday Night racing

Posted by Editoress on 02/5/10

Starting Friday February 5th, 2010 there will be a new category added to the Friday Nights Under the Dome Racing Series. This will be category D and it will be run in conjunction with the Novice race group starting at 6:30 pm. D and Novice will have two races each per evening for $5 entry fee. If the category grows in size we will add a third race for them. Adding this fourth category will provide a more enjoyable racing experience for some current C racers and allow them to develop into more skilled riders and better racers.

Starting in the fall of 2010 there will be mandatory gear restrictions. This will commence with the first Friday night race in September of 2010. The A group will be unrestricted. B’s will be allowed to have a maximum gear of 86.4 inches based on 27” wheel gear chart so 48x15, C’s and new D and Novice will be allowed a maximum of 84.6 based on 27” wheel gear chart so 47x15. For the remainder of the spring 2010 season there will be a gearing disclosure on the start line and we strongly recommend that riders adhere to these new gear restrictions in the name of rider development and learning to race based on skill and tactics. By this riders would be required to  disclose what gearing they were using to all other competitors.

Riders in C and B will need 45 points to upgrade and this will start Friday Feb 5. For the D/Novice the point total is 35 as to upgrade to the next category. Any upgrade must also be ratified by the BVC Program Coordinator who will have last say in upgrades. Upgrade points can come only from top five finishing places.

Any rider receiving a warming for the same or similar infraction in a single night will be suspended for remainder of evening and next racing session as well. Repeated warning and/or suspensions will be dealt with by BVC Program Coordinator at his/her discretion.

These new measure have been implemented to promote development, fair play , and safety. The majority of incidents and close calls have been a result in the  attitude around Friday night racing being taken as the World Championships and win at all costs. In reality the series was developed as a learning environment to foster better skills for all levels of rider on the track that can be transferred to other cycling disciplines.

Courtesy BVC


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