Canadian Cyclist


September 11/08 1:54 am - Cyclo-Cross BC Cup Race #1, Cross on the Rock Race #1

Posted by Editoress on 09/11/08

4th Annual Team Coastal Cross - Cyclo-Cross BC Cup Race #1

Cyclo-Cross Season is soon approaching here in BC and Team Coastal Cycling would like to invite all cyclists from all disciplines of all ages to our 4th annual hosting of Cyclo-Cross in the North Delta Watershed Park on Saturday, September 13th, 2008. It is the first event on the 2008 BC Cross cup Calendar and our club is honored to kick off this year's cross race season. We are excited to use the same course as last year with some modifications based on feedback from last year's event, which will make the race easier for some and harder for others. Also in an effort to introduce future bike racers to the sport we are hosting free kid's races. We'll be using a modified, shortened, and flat version of the full course for the young racers.

Racers are allowed to use mountain bikes in all categories except for the A group. For kids they can use whatever they have and for the 10 & under group they can have training wheels if necessary.

So get those knobby tires out and come out for some good times on the bike, cross style!

Event Schedule:
10:00 am
Open Beginner (30 minute race)
1 minute gap
B / Master Women (30 minute race)

10:30 am
Free Kids Race

11:00 am
B Men (40 minute race)
1 minute gap
Master Men (40 minute race)

12:00 pm
A Men (60 minute race)
1 minute gap
A Women (40 minute race)

Day of Race only at
Pinewood Elementary School, 11777 Pinewood Drive, North Delta
Opens at 8:30 am and closes for each race 30 minutes prior to its start.

Entry Fee:
Kids Cross - Free
U18 - $10
Others - $25
Unlicensed - add $10

Course map and more details can be found at

Or contact Anselmo at Anselmo(at)shaw(dot)ca.

Thanks to our sponsors:
South Shore Cycles
Municipality of Delta

Cross on the Rock Race #1 at Diver Lake Park in Nanaimo
Courtesy Normon Thibault

The first race of the Vancouver Island Cyclocross season is quickly approaching this weekend at Diver Lake Park in Nanaimo. Diver Lake has not been used for Cyclocross for 2 years. In 2005 the Expert race was won by Drew McKenzie and 2006 by Rob Britton. The only women’s winner has been Kelly Jones who has won the event twice. The course is one that requires finesse and focus rather than pure fitness. We pack a lot of twists and turns into a very-very small park area. It features 3 very short climbs. Some great downhills. Grass, pavement, dirt, gravel, wood and even a couple of surpizes. It will be set up very similar to the first 2 times that we have done the event with only a few small tweaks to the layout. We will have a slightly shorter course for the beginners that will take out a few of the more challenging features without diluting the feel for the course.

Wendy Simms from KONA and Sean Lunny from Oak Bay Bikes will lead a pre-ride and mini clinic before the beginners event that anyone that is registered for the event can sit in on.

Judging from the long range forecast it might be some of the best weather we have had all year!

The full event guide will be posted on our web site some time today ( This guide, which we do for each event, will include the following important information:

1. Series Schedule
2. Diver Lake Event Schedule
3. Venue
4. Event Rules
5. Event Categories
6. License Requirements
7. Registration Information
8. Event and Series Rules
9. Accommodation Information
10. Results and Series Information

Usually almost all the information that you require can be found in these guides. BUT if you have a question please feel free to e-mail us.

No License Required to race
· This event is a GRMBA sanctioned event ( You do NOT have to have a GRMBA affiliated club license to participate in this event. IF you do have a GRMBA affiliated club license then GREAT you MUST present it: SORRY no exceptions. IF you do not have one or do not have it with you then it is only an additional $5 to race for that day. Please don’t let $5 decide if you are going to race these events or not! There are few events that you do not need a license for left and fewer that if you don’t lave a license that it is only $5 extra….
· Sorry a Cycling BC, Masters Cycling BC or other cycling association license does not cover you for this or any of our series events for this year.


I lost my complete cyclocross data base over the summer in a hard-drive meltdown so we need your help to get this information out. PASS THIS E-MAIL ON!! Feel free to forward this information on to anyone else in your club, organization or to riding partners as well as future cyclocrossers. We have beginner categories to encourage beginners to come out……so you don’t need to be an expert cross racer. You don’t even need a cross bike….a MTB will do fine. We love to see as many new faces as possible coming out to these events so drag someone new will you to ride, help out or be a spectator.

Special Thanks to:

Nanaimo Parks and Recreation always do a great deal to help us out with our events in Nanaimo. Our race at Diver Lake Park is no exception so a big thanks to them.

Any Questions?

Feel free to contact me at this e-mail address.

Normon Thibault at


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