Canadian Cyclist


March 20/08 3:54 am - UCI & Verbruggen Sue Dick Pound

Posted by Editor on 03/20/08

UCI & Verbruggen Sue Dick Pound

The UCI has moved to the next level in its ongoing dispute with WADA and the organization's former president Dick Pound. The UCI has issued a statement that they will be suing Canadian lawyer Dick Pound for "continual injurious and biased comments" against both the UCI and former UCI President Hein Verbruggen. Pound was until recently the President of the World AntiDoping Agency (WADA), and he and Verbruggen had a running war of words over Pound's comments about the efforts (or lack therof, according to Pound) of the UCI to combat doping.

The text of the UCI statement:

The UCI and Mr. Hein Verbruggen have sued Mr. Richard Pound ex-president of WADA before Swiss courts for what they perceive as being continual injurious and biased comments by Mr. Pound against UCI and Mr. Verbruggen in the context of the efforts made by them to eradicate doping from their sport. Indeed, on many occasions, Mr. Pound has publicly questioned the extent of the UCI's efforts in the fight against doping.


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