Canadian Cyclist


March 6/08 1:11 am - Genevieve Jeanson Movie Update

Posted by Editor on 03/6/08

Geneviève Jeanson Movie Update
by Matt Hansen

As is common knowledge by now, the life of former cyclist, Geneviève Jeanson is being turned into a movie. The working title is "The History of A Lie", referencing Jeanson's steady drug use in her prolific career.

Little has been said of the movie thus far, apart the title, the general story and that it will be directed by Alexis Durand-Brault, produced by Richard Lalonde, and written by Claude Lalonde. Essentially, the movie will be a fictionalized version of Jeanson's life.

We spoke recently with Jeanson about it, how it came about and some of the nuts and bolts of the film. "I was contacted by Forum Films - Alexis Durant Brault wanted to do a movie about sports for a long time, so after the Enquete interview, the idea was born," Jeanson said. "Essentially, it will focus on the challenges society puts on athletes, through a fictionalized movie based on a true story - mine."

The movie, Jeanson explains, is still in pre-production but things are going well. She just heard yesterday from the team putting the film together. Claude Lalonde - recently nominated for a Genie - told her that the screenplay is almost finished and is going very well. The movie will be filmed in Montreal, and Arizona, "All the places I have been," Jeanson said.

The news of the film was received with some criticism in the cycling press, since the project will profit from a career that was marred with doping. Jeanson's motivation for the movie, which she is involved with in all aspects, was simple. "I want to do this movie because my story is a beautiful story, and I am a better person with all that has happened," she explained. "I don't pay attention to the negative reactions, I don't want to lose any energy on that." The movie, she hopes will give an honest portrayal of the events and can serve to teach young athletes.

Jeanson added that she is "happy in my life and am focusing forward in spite of everything. There is always a solution in life, and it always gets better."


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