Canadian Cyclist


October 13/06 6:19 am - Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame 2007 Nominations

Posted by Editor on 10/13/06

Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame 2007 Nominations

The Canadian Olympic Committee has established the Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame to honour sports men and women who have made notable contributions as athletes, athlete teams, coaches or builders to the Olympic Movement in Canada.

At this time, the COC is pleased to invite the nomination of candidates to receive such recognition in 2007. The induction ceremony will take place at the COC Congress in Halifax NS in April 2007. Attached for your benefit are the selection criteria and nomination forms. Your nominations must be submitted no later than 03 November 2006. Nominations should be sent to:

Awards and Recognition Selection Committee Canadian Olympic Committee Attn Gisela Vogel
1400-85 rue Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 6A4
fax: 613.244.0169

Nomination Guidelines

Nomination Form - Category: Athlete

Nomination Form - Category: Athlete (Team)

Nomination Form - Category: Coach

Nomination Form - Category: Builder


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