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March 11/20 18:02 pm - Positions Available on Cycling Canada Committees

Posted by Editor on 03/11/20

Cycling Canada welcomes personal expressions of interest, or the identification of individuals, who are capable, willing and motivated to serve the organization in a volunteer capacity for three operational committees.

Detailed terms of reference and desired committee member skills matrix can be downloaded Here.

Committee size is flexible, based on the ability to find a competent cross-section of skills, in the following expected range:

• High Performance: Eight to ten.
• Officials: Four to six.
• Events: Four to six.

The term of each appointment is two years. Approximately half of the committee members will be selected each year to provide continuity and renewal. Note that this is the first year of transition from elected to appointed committee members. Therefore, individuals who were elected for a two-year term, in October 2018, will remain on the committee until the end of 2020.

Expected time commitment for committee members is a few hours per month, mainly for teleconference meetings, with one or two face-to-face meetings per year.

Interested individuals should email with the subject 'Committee Expression of Interest' by April 5th, 2020. The email should identify which committee they are interested in and may include any relevant supporting information.

Following the April 5th deadline, staff will review, assess, and identify the ideal individuals for each of the committees.


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