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March 31/15 12:42 pm - Aaron Schooler Launches iWill Team

Posted by Editoress on 03/31/15

iWill Pro Cycling started with 3 friends looking to share the love they have for the sport of cycling by training and racing in southern Germany and in the meantime share the iWill helmet and brain injury awareness story.

The iWill story began shortly after the death of Aaron's youngest brother Will after he crashed while he was urban skiing in the Rocky Mountains in Canada. Although Will normally chose to wear a helmet when skiing in the mountains, while performing tricks and urban skiing, he would regularly do this without a helmet. Will was one day shy of his 21st birthday when he passed. Since that day, the message of 'iWill wear my helmet' is a regular thought in the minds of all who have been informed of the story while competing and practicing in sport where speed and danger are factors.

This message applies perfectly to the sport of cycling, which has been a large part of Aaron's life for the last decade. Aaron is a international level cyclocross racer currently living in southern Germany and racing for the Focus CX Team in the fall/winter. He regularly sports his iWill stickers on his helmets and enjoys telling the story of his youngest brother because it reminds him of the fun times he had with Will and at the same time shares the powerful story of iWill.



With this, the !Will Pro Cycling Team was created when the minds of Aaron, Lukas, and Basti were put together. The !Will Pro Cycling Team will be competing in various cycling events in the area of Southern Germany and beyond, with the focus being on MTB XCO and Marathon races. The team will be donating a portion of all prize money earned and money raised throughout the year and using it for helmet and brain injury awareness. !Will Pro Cycling team at it's roots has international representation with riders born in Germany, Switzerland, and Canada and has a wonderful team of marketing partners and sponsors supporting our racing efforts.

It is with great pleasure that I am able to introduce the clothing design for the inaugural year of the iWill Pro Cycling Team. The clothing design was created by the incredibly talented Jonathan Wood based in Vancouver, BC and will be made by Louis Garneau. For those who are able, or interested in supporting the team or the iWill Helmet Awareness Campaign, we are selling our team clothing and custom printed team iWill stickers for the bikes and helmets. Please go to the GoFundMe link provided below to order your kit, and donate! A portion of the sales from the clothing will go towards the team, and a portion of all money raised along with prize money earned throughout the season will be used towards the iWill Helmet Awareness Campaign. All information on the clothing and the Sizing, please go to the GoFundMe page to find out more.

One program that the !Will Pro Cycling team is working on as a way to give back is called the Racer Crash Replacement Program, where athletes who have crashed their helmet and are in need of a new one but might be strapped for cash, can contact us with their story and some photos, and we will do our best to replace the broken helmet free of charge. This keeps the athlete safe, and able to ride, while promoting safe practice in sport. Please check back on our blog later - HERE - for more information on this program.


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