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March 6/15 9:17 am - Help SORCA Trail Crew

Posted by Editor on 03/6/15

Fellow Riders,

Mayor and Council are currently making budget decisions for 2015. SORCA's (Squamish Off-Road Cycling Association) trail crew funding of $60,000 is one of the items being considered amongst many other organizations in need of funding. On Tuesday, March 10th, SORCA will be presenting to the District of Squamish in hopes of securing this funding for the coming year.

In the past, the District of Squamish funding SORCA has received has gone towards supporting the trail maintenance crew and building the new skills park - both have added incredible recreational and economic value to Squamish. SORCA needs this funding in order to maintain the extensive network of trails that are enjoyed by a wide range of user groups.

You can help us secure this funding by sending a quick email to the Council ( to let them know you support SORCA and give a few examples of why this funding is important for Squamish:

• Did Squamish mountain biking trails draw you to town?
• Do you think previous DOS funding has added value to Squamish?
• Has mountain biking tourism helped increase traffic for your business?

Any and all emails of support will go a long way in helping SORCA receive funding for the 2015 year.

Thanks for you help!

SORCA Executive


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