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August 29/14 17:10 pm - Tour of Alberta Ride the Road Tour

Posted by Editoress on 08/29/14

The Tour de Nuit Society is inviting the public to put air in their bike tires, saddle up one more time this summer, register and participate in the 46 kilometre Tour of Alberta Ride the Road Tour on Labour Day, September 1st, at Stanley Park at noon.

Calgarians, some even riding through their own neighbourhoods, will have an opportunity - for the first time ever - to ride on traffic-free roads with some of the world's best cyclists, in Calgary to race in the Tour of Alberta.

"Calgarians can help some of the world's top racing cyclists warm up," says Gary Beaton, executive director of Calgary's Tour de Nuit Society.

The Tour de Nuit Society has partnered with the producers of Canada's first professional bicycle stage race to create a bike ride targeting the estimated sixty thousand Calgary spectators who lined the Tour of Alberta route last year in Calgary.

The Tour de Nuit Society and the Alberta Peloton Association, which produces the Tour of Alberta, believe that our partnership will help promote more people cycling more often by engaging more Albertans in the excitement of cycling at both the recreational and the professional competitive levels.

After several wet June rides and the devastating effects of last year's spring weather on Ride the Road Tour attendance, and then the opportunity of a partnership with the Tour of Alberta, it was an easy decision to move the event to September 1st - the day before the start of the Tour of Alberta race.

The gathering site in Stanley Park will feature live entertainment, children's activities and our own 'Bike & Brew' Beer Garden.

Cyclists of all sorts - whatever type of bike they ride: trials, road, hybrid or cruiser - are welcome on the Tour of Alberta Ride the Road Tour.

Details on the Tour of Alberta Ride the Road Tour at .


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