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October 29/11 10:27 am - Ontario Cycling Assn News

Posted by Editoress on 10/29/11

News from the Ontario Cycling Association for the month of October

Interested in hosting a road event in 2012?

All road event organizers interested in hosting events next year are required to complete and submit an expression of interest form to be included in first round calendar selection.

The deadline for submission is November the 14th at 9am.

2011 Cycling Celebration Awards Banquet

We're looking for prizes to raffle off in support of our youth program at Cycling Celebration. If you are able to contribute, please contact Chris Baskys (

There are also sponsorship opportunities available for the awards banquet. Check out our sponsorship package.

If you haven't already, vote for your favourite Ontario Athletes here ! Only one week left to vote!

These awards will be presented at the Annual OCA Cycling Celebration, held at the Cool Brewery in Toronto on November 26th (doors at 6, awards at 7). Tickets are available here at a cost of $17/member, $22/non-member.

MTB DH Satisfaction Survey

If you participated in any MTB DH events this year, please take the time to provide your feedback in the MTB DH survey .

OCA Announces 2011 Spring Endurance Camps

OCA February Endurance Camp will be held February 19-26, 2012 - Oxnard, California with support from the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport and the Canadian Sport Centre Ontario. The focus of the project is athletes in the Train to Compete and Learn to Win stages of LTAD. (Ages 17-21) in 2012. These athletes will be Canada Summer Games eligible andhave potential to compete for Canada at World Championships.

Information Here

The 7th Annual OCA March Endurance Development Camp will be held in Rocky Bottom, SC March 9-19, 2012 with support from the Canadian Sport Centre Ontario. The focus of the project is athletes in the Learn to Compete and Train to Compete stages of LTAD. (Ages 16-22) in 2012.

Information Here

For more information, please contact

Volunteer with the OCA

The OCA is actively recruiting qualified volunteers interested in applying for the remaining positions on the events committee. There are two positions currently open. Experience with event organizing, officiating, or risk management knowledge are all considered assets for applicants.

OCA Events Committee Mandate - Develop a provincial calendar of events as prescribed by the board of directors and consistent with the vision for optimizing athlete development described within the Long Term Athlete Development Model.

Please submit a short bio or resume stating your experience by November 7, 2011 to Greg Rawson - Sport Coordinator at the following email -


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