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October 11/11 14:51 pm - Ontario Riders: Trail Access Meetings Need You

Posted by Editoress on 10/11/11

Ontario riders have been invited to two meetings regarding access in Toronto (High Park Skills Park) and Barrie (Copeland Forest), taking place later this month.

If you are in the area, IMBA Canada urges you to attend and represent the mountain biking community in Southern and Central Ontario.

High Park Bike Park Open House

When - Wednesday, October 19th, 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Where - Rosseau Room, Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave, Toronto

From the City of Toronto's announcement:

"This is to inform you that City of Toronto staff have recently closed an informal BMX freestyle area (skills park) in High Park to restore an ecologically significant area. The site has been replanted, fenced off and is currently being monitored for any further cycling activity.

A new skills parks, offering technically challenging riding in an accessible and controlled environment, will be built on the site of the existing parking lot in the south east corner of High Park.

City staff are currently working with accomplished skills park designer, Jay Hoots (, to develop the new site that will include appropriate off-road cycling features, skills areas and landscape amenities.

Please join Jay Hoots and City of Toronto staff on Wednesday, October 19 from 6:00-8:30 pm, at the Rousseau Room, Swansea Town Hall, to participate in the design consultation for the new skills park in High Park. Jay wants to hear from you."

Copeland Forest Riders Meetings

When - Sunday, Oct. 23rd, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Where - Craighurst Community Hall, 3346 Penatanguishene Rd. (Hwy 93)

From the announcement:

"With ever-increasing recreational pressure on the Copeland Forest, and a Stewardship Initiative under way, the time is right for mountain bikers who love the Copeland to get organized and tackle the issues. We hope you will join us.

Come out and learn about the Copeland Forest Stewardship Initiative, and what it will mean for those who love to mountainbike in the Copeland. Dorthea Hangaard from the Couchiching Conservancy will make a brief presentation and be available for questions."

Please make it a priority to attend these meetings!

Spread the word to all your riding buddies.


Courtesy IMBA


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