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May 16/11 13:56 pm - Ride All Day for the United Way - Cycling event

Posted by Editoress on 05/16/11

This is "our" event and I would love you to take part with us on Saturday June 4th. Please pass this along to your friends and family as this event is for anyone and everyone.


Saturday June 4th for 8am-8pm on the State Farm Property in Aurora ON, on a .2 kilometre track ~ do as many laps as you can/want

- Participate as Individual – and race = competitive/social/fun
- Participate as Individual – and bring along family/young ones take part = social/fun
- Participate as Team member – and do it all
- Participate as Tag team (alternate)
- Participate as Partnership (do it together)

BUT MOSTLY – it’s for fun…And it is for UNITED WAY YORK REGION

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why would anyone want to ride for 12hrs?
A: Why not? Get out and challenge yourself, push your limits… it’s a blast being active and social with others.

Q: Do I have to ride the entire 12 hours?
A: Nope, not at all. You’re in charge of how much you actually ride. The idea is to ride as many laps as you (or your team) can possibly ride over the 12hr time period. If you do one lap…’s ok! Weak…but ok!

Q: Is there a minimum amount of laps I will need to do?
A: Not at all. Do what you can. Ride for an hour, take a well deserved coffee break. Ride for 30 minutes, stop to cheer on a friend. You can attack this event any way you like.

Q: How fast do I need to ride?
A: Not fast at all. There are two lanes on this course and both will be travelling at different speeds. The inside lane (fast lane) will be between 25 and 35 kilometers per hour and the outside lane will be 20 kilometers or less per hour. The slower lane is really meant for families with their kids, grandparents, tandem bikes, cruisers with baskets and streamers… that sort of thing. People out having fun, relaxing and enjoying the day.

Q: What kind of bike can I ride?
A: What cha got? If it is in good working order and you have an approved cycling helmet you can ride it. Safety is #1.

Q: What do I get for my $100 entry?
A: Only the best cycling experience you have ever been a part of! You need more? Well… the entry is actually a donation to the United Way. All the proceeds from this event go directly to the United Way. Great event – Great Cause!

Q: How does it work with the teams?
A: Grab a few buddies and sign up. You’re going to want to share the work load. Decide who wants to ride, when, and for how long. You are allowed two people out on the course from each team at any one time. Both of your laps will count while out on course, so develop a strategy to have 2 people out there at all times logging laps for the greater good. You can switch as many times as you like during the 12hr time period.

Q: How do I enter the course?
A: Most asked question! You will merge on and off the course at one spot and one spot only. There will be an entrance to the course at the north end of the loop. You can only enter and exit at this point. At no time whatsoever will any of the participants exit or enter the course anywhere else other than this designated spot. There will be signage all over to guide you on the day of the event. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

Q: Will there be a feed-zone?
A: Yes. We will have some companies on site handing out samples of their product and of course we will have water on hand and people to provide neutral support for all participants. This zone will keep you hydrated and on your bike for as long as you can handle.

Q: Where do we park?
A: All of the parking will be right next door in the Wal-Mart plaza. The course is completely closed and there will be no parking on the State Farm Property. The Wal-Mart plaza (and surrounding stores) has ample parking for our event – we ask you to be courteous and polite and please leave no garbage in the parking area.

Thanks, Ed Veal


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