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February 16/11 15:59 pm - Inaugural "Be the Miracle" Bike Ride for Childhood Cancer

Posted by Editoress on 02/16/11

Cyclists from all walks of life will come together on June 5th, to support the first annual 'Be the Miracle' bike ride, benefiting children through clinical care and research in childhood cancer. In this epic 150-kilometre journey, 1,000 or more riders will participate with a goal of raising over $1.25 million for BC Children's Hospital Foundation, Canuck Place Children's Hospice, the Michael Cuccione Childhood Cancer Research Program and Ronald McDonald House.

"The cycling community in BC has always been extremely generous," said Duncan Robinson, chair and founder of the event. "I believe this ride will have a unique appeal to them, as we are the only ride in BC that raises funds for childhood cancer while supporting key charities that a cancer patient might potentially go through during the stages of their treatment."

Today, the survival rate for childhood cancer exceeds 80 per cent. Although more children are surviving cancer than ever before, cancer still kills more children in North America than any other disease.

"We are so proud of the level of commitment and dedication demonstrated by the cycling community in BC. Their support will allow us to meet the highly specialized needs of children suffering from cancer," said Teri Nicholas, president and CEO of BC Children's Hospital Foundation.

The ride will begin at 6:00 am in South Surrey on June 5th, and will run through the Fraser Valley and finish near BC Children's Hospital at approximately 4:00 to 5:00 pm. Event registration is now open. For more information or to sign up as an individual or team, please visit


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