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Cycling 4 Women


November 4/09 12:38 pm - Ladies Only Ride at the London Track in November

Posted by Editoress on 11/4/09

The Forest City Velodrome Centre (FCV) is continuing to develop women's track opportunities by offering two Women's Only rides this month at the velodrome on November 7th and November 21st.

The two hour sessions promise to be a combination of a refresher clinic for riders coming back to the track, mixed in with skills and drills that are stylized to prepare them for the Track 2 Session clinic. The only pre-requisite for the ride is that participants have completed the Track 1 Introduction to the Velodrome session.

The "Ladies Only" drop-in session will be held on November 7th from 4-6 pm and no pre-registration is required. The Velodrome is also offering free race night admission to all the female participants that take part that day.




If you don't have the pre-requisite session under your belt, there are a few more Track 1 Intro Sessions scheduled on the FVC website, but don't delay - they are selling out quickly. The next available session is on Sunday November 8th, which would prepare riders for the second "Ladies Only" ride on November 21st (details to be released soon). The cost is $20.00 per rider plus a $10.00 bike rental fee if required. To reserve a spot for the Track 1 Session, you need to email

More information can also be found on the Velodrome's website at:

by Leigh Hargrove


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